Obama Care, The Supremes, and The Constitution Forbes Fri, 29 Jun 2012 14:53 PM PDT Many believe that universal health care or Obama Care as it is called is only one more step down the slippery slope of Socialism. With the ruling of the Supremes, specifically that it passes constitutional muster, albeit as a tax, Obama Care has a good chance of seeing the light of day. However, there is clearly one overarching issue remaining, that of a Romney presidency. Absent that, it would ... | Every Jamaican called onboard in fight against vector borne diseases The Jamaica Observer Fri, 29 Jun 2012 14:52 PM PDT DIRECTOR of Emergency, Disaster Management and Special Services in The Ministry of Health, Dr Marion Bullock DuCasse, says every Jamaican will have to know their role to ensure the success of a programme to fight dengue fever and the chikungunya virus. | Tea Party Sees Ruling As New Rallying Cry KERA North Texas Fri, 29 Jun 2012 14:50 PM PDT Some of the earliest and most vocal opponents of President Obama's health care law were members of the Tea Party. In fact, health care quickly became the issue fueling the rise of the movement. Anger over the Affordable Care Act drove the Tea Party and Republicans to big gains in the 2010 elections, but since then the movement has seen its prominence and influence wane. Now, Tea Party activists ... | Americans divided on health care ruling CNN Political Ticker Fri, 29 Jun 2012 14:49 PM PDT (CNN) â" Thursday's Supreme Court ruling upholding President Barack Obama's health care law has Americans divided, according to the first survey following the landmark decision. Friday's poll from USA Today/Gallup showed 46% of Americans agree with the court's ruling, with 46% saying they disagree. Opinions were predictably split along party lines: 79% of self-identified Democrats [...] | | |