Today's Most Popular News Headlines - Yahoo! News: | | Letter from freed slave to former master draws attention Tue,31 Jan 2012 07:16 AM PST The Sideshow - A newly discovered letter from a freed former slave to his onetime master is creating a buzz. Letters of Note explains that in August of 1865, a Colonel P.H. Anderson of Big Spring, Tennessee wrote to his former slave Jourdan Anderson, requesting that Jourdan return to work on his farm. In the time since escaping [...] Full Story | Top | Video: America's longest married couple Tue,31 Jan 2012 08:31 AM PST The Sideshow - In this video, we meet Wilbur and Teresa Faiss, America's longest-married couple. The Las Vegas residents were first wed in April, 1933. Wilbur, now 100-years-old, tells KVVU TV, "I just had no idea of us ever winning the longest-married couple." A group called the Worldwide Marriage Encounter certified the marriage as the nation's longest ongoing [...] Full Story | Top | Pastors split on when to go home; 1 lives, 1 dies Tue,31 Jan 2012 11:51 AM PST Associated Press - Senior pastor Arao Amazonas said he wanted to wait until the next morning to leave Florida after a religious conference. But pastor Jose Carmo Jr. wanted to be back in time for the suburban Atlanta church's Sunday morning service and led two vans up Interstate 75 toward Georgia.
Full Story | Top | 'Everyone step on his toes!' Gingrich security harasses Ron Paul supporter Tue,31 Jan 2012 08:50 AM PST The Ticket - WINDERMERE, Fla.--Next time, Eddie Dillard won't wear flip-flops. Dillard, a 29-year-old Ron Paul supporter from this suburb near Orlando, arrived to vote at his precinct at Winderemere Baptist Church early Tuesday morning. Pulling into the parking lot, Dillard noticed a man outside the polling place with a Gingrich sign. He decided to run home, slip [...] Full Story | Top | Fox News on top: Cable net celebrates 10 years at #1 in ratings Tue,31 Jan 2012 10:48 AM PST The Cutline - Last fall, Fox News celebrated its 15th anniversary with a lavish party in New York. Fox News president Roger Ailes, who launched the channel in 1996, toasted 700 or so staffers that night, telling them, "Losing is highly overrated as a learning experience." On Tuesday afternoon, when Nielsen releases its final ratings for the month [...] Full Story | Top | School suspends cancer survivor teen over hair he plans to donate Mon,30 Jan 2012 08:05 AM PST The Sideshow - UPDATE: Here's a link to the petition started by J.T.'s mom. A Michigan teen who survived a bout with leukemia has been suspended from school over the length of his long hair, which he is planning to donate. The Detroit News reports that 17-year-old J.T. Gaskins has been growing out his hair since last [...] Full Story | Top | Pot legalization efforts forge ahead in key states Tue,31 Jan 2012 11:13 AM PST Reuters - (Reuters) - Efforts to legalize marijuana for recreational use are gaining momentum in Washington state and Colorado, despite fierce opposition from the federal government and a decades-long cultural battle over America's most commonly used illicit drug. Officials in Washington state on Friday said an initiative to legalize pot has enough signatures to qualify for the ballot in November. In Colorado, officials are likely this week to make a similar determination about an initiative there. ...
Full Story | Top | Actor "beyond shocked" after seeing leg amputated in altered ad Mon,30 Jan 2012 09:30 AM PST The Sideshow - An overweight man in Los Angeles says he was "beyond shocked" to discover an altered photo of him on New York City billboards with his leg removed. 27-year-old Cleo Berry tells the New York Times that while living in NYC several years ago, he participated in a $500 photo shoot with photographer Morten Smidt. Unbeknownst [...] Full Story | Top | Kermit and Piggy Fire Back at Fox News Mon,30 Jan 2012 02:35 PM PST The Upshot - Several weeks ago, Dan Gainor of the conservative Media Research Center told Fox Business host Eric Bolling that "The Muppets," the new movie starring Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy, had a liberal agenda. "It's amazing how far the left will go ... to manipulate your kids to ... give them the anti-corporate message." Gainor [...] Full Story | Top | Self-Guided Bullet Strikes Target a Mile Away [VIDEO] Tue,31 Jan 2012 05:29 AM PST Mashable - A breakthrough in precision bullet technology for small caliber firearms will make striking a target an easier task. Two researchers at Sandia's National Laboratories created a self-guided dart-like bullet able to strike a target more than a mile away. Full Story | Top | Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Found in 37 U.S. States Tue,31 Jan 2012 12:44 PM PST U.S.News & World Report LP - Half a world away, doctors in India are fighting outbreaks of bacterial infections that are resistant to more than 15 types of antibiotics. But closer to home, a similarly scary bug is making the rounds in intensive care and other long-term units of American hospitals. Full Story | Top | Head of Senate military panel says Romney clueless Tue,31 Jan 2012 01:35 PM PST Associated Press - The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday said Republican candidate Mitt Romney doesn't know what he's talking about when he criticizes President Barack Obama's proposed cuts in defense spending and is putting himself at odds with the nation's military leaders. Full Story | Top | In interviews, American Muslims say they reject separate 'sharia' law system Mon,30 Jan 2012 11:43 AM PST The Lookout - A new study based on interviews with more than 200 North American Muslims over four years concludes that a recent spate of state laws banning "sharia law" from the court system may be an overreaction to a non-existent threat. Oklahoma, Tennessee and Louisiana each passed laws or referendums to ban state judges from considering sharia [...] Full Story | Top | Pythons apparently wiping out Everglades mammals Mon,30 Jan 2012 06:37 PM PST Associated Press - A burgeoning population of huge pythons — many of them pets that were turned loose by their owners when they got too big — appears to be wiping out large numbers of raccoons, opossums, bobcats and other mammals in the Everglades, a study says.
Full Story | Top | America Will Be at War with Iran Within One Year Mon,30 Jan 2012 03:54 PM PST Yahoo! Contributor Network - COMMENTARY | I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's my bet we Americans will be at war with Iran within one year. Of all the things I've ever stated publicly, this is one I wish I were wrong about. Frankly, I'd rather be ridiculed publicly than for my country to be moving into more military action. Full Story | Top | Japan's Population to Shrink Nearly a Third by 2060 Tue,31 Jan 2012 08:17 AM PST ABC News - The world's oldest country is about to get even older. New figures released by the government estimate people aged 65 and older will make up nearly 40 percent of the population of Japan 50 years from now. Even more troubling, the country's population is expected... Full Story | Top | Florida: Bracing for a Loss, Gingrich Reinvents Himself as the Insurgent Candidate Tue,31 Jan 2012 08:30 AM PST - When you throw a party only to show up an hour and forty-five minutes late, the least you can do is feed your guests. Once he arrived at a cavernous airport hangar for a rally on the last full day of campaigning before Tuesday's pivotal Florida primary, Newt Gingrich served up a multi-course, red-meat buffet. First up was Michael Reagan, the ex-President's son, who told the small but exuberant crowd to think of liberals as "termites. ... Full Story | Top | 19-year-old dies in fall from Park City chairlift Tue,31 Jan 2012 05:41 AM PST Associated Press - A University of Utah student suffered a seizure before she fell from a chairlift at a Park City ski resort and died in an extremely rare case of a fatality on a properly functioning lift, authorities and industry officials said Monday. Full Story | Top | Gingrich sued over use of "Rocky III" theme song Tue,31 Jan 2012 08:49 AM PST Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich faces a lawsuit over his use of "Eye of the Tiger," the theme song to the movie "Rocky III," court documents show. The claim for copyright infringement, lodged on Monday by Rude Music Inc in an Illinois federal court, relates to Gingrich's use of the song at his political rallies. Rude Music Inc is owned by Frank Sullivan, who co-wrote the Grammy-award winning song. In addition to Gingrich, the complaint names his campaign, Newt 2012 Inc, and the American Conservative Union, an advocacy organization, as defendants. ...
Full Story | Top | Woman Dumps Boyfriend With Cancer But Still Wants His Super Bowl Tickets Mon,30 Jan 2012 09:17 AM PST Trending Now - "Like" us on and follow me on Twitter @Knowlesitall! Still looking for Super Bowl tickets? You may be in luck, but you're going to have to work for them. Jason Elia told ESPN 97.5 in Houston that he is giving his tickets to the person who gets him the most Twitter followers. Elia, a television [...] Full Story | Top | Romney leads by 15 points in Florida: Reuters/Ipsos poll Mon,30 Jan 2012 06:47 PM PST Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - White House hopeful Mitt Romney's lead over rival Newt Gingrich has stretched to 15 percentage points in Florida, according to results of a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Monday, just a day before the state's Republican primary. Support for Romney, a former Massachusetts governor and private equity executive, edged up to 43 percent among likely voters in Florida's January 31 primary, according to the online tracking poll. It had been at 42 percent on Sunday. ...
Full Story | Top | US budget deficit to dip to $1.1T Tue,31 Jan 2012 09:18 AM PST Associated Press - A new budget report released Tuesday predicts the U.S. government will run a $1.1 trillion deficit in the fiscal year that ends in September, a slight dip from last year but still very high by any measure. Full Story | Top | A tale of two stump speeches and two very different candidates Mon,30 Jan 2012 07:07 PM PST Power Players - Spinners & Winners For the reporters on the campaign trail, hearing the stump speech -- often over and over each day — is part of the routine. You listen for the slightest changes in the rhetoric being spun in the stump speech as it is delivered before crowds both big and small. For those reporters [...] Full Story | Top | Ron Paul Heads to Nevada: Strategy Called 'Odd' Mon,30 Jan 2012 10:16 PM PST ABC News - While his GOP rivals duke it out in a bloody Florida primary on Tuesday, Ron Paul will continue stumping for votes in the caucus states that dominate the political calendar over the next week. Paul does well in caucus states, where superior organization and passionate...
Full Story | Top | Did Leonardo da Vinci Copy his Famous 'Vitruvian Man'? Tue,31 Jan 2012 09:25 AM PST - Leonardo da Vinci's drawing of a male figure perfectly inscribed in a circle and square, known as the "Vitruvian Man," illustrates what he believed to be a divine connection between the human form and the universe. Beloved for its beauty and symbolic power, it is one of the most famous images in the world. However, new research suggests that the work, which dates to 1490, may be a copy of an earlier drawing by Leonardo's friend. Full Story | Top | Russia: UN resolution on Syria is path to war Tue,31 Jan 2012 07:09 AM PST Associated Press - A senior Russian diplomat Tuesday said a draft U.N. resolution demanding Syrian President Bashar Assad step aside is a "path to civil war," as Syrian troops besieged rebellious areas with hours of shelling and machine-gun fire.
Full Story | Top | Police: Dad of missing Maine tot not telling all Mon,30 Jan 2012 01:41 PM PST Associated Press - Unable to find any evidence missing toddler Ayla Reynolds was abducted, police on Monday pressed the three adults who were home with her on the night she disappeared to provide a full account of what happened.
Full Story | Top | California teacher charged with abuse after photos Tue,31 Jan 2012 12:15 PM PST Reuters - LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A former Los Angeles-area elementary school teacher has been charged with lewd acts on children, including putting cockroaches on students' faces and offering them a spoonful of what may have been semen, authorities said on Tuesday. Mark Berndt, 61, was arrested at his home in the Los Angeles suburb of Torrance on Monday, accused of abusing nearly two dozen boys and girls, ages six to 10, between 2008 and 2011, officials with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said. ...
Full Story | Top | Capitol architect wanted to reanimate George Washington's corpse Mon,30 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST The Sideshow - George Washington wasn't only America's first president, he was also almost its first zombie. After Washington died from an illness in December 1799, his family nearly accepted an offer from a physician who believed he could bring America's first commander in chief back to life. The website io9 writes that physician William Thornton is best [...] Full Story | Top | Breast Cancer Charity Pulls Funds From Planned Parenthood Tue,31 Jan 2012 09:48 AM PST National Journal - A major breast-cancer charity has cut off support for Planned Parenthood because of controversy over abortion and the group's standing as a provider of generalized women's health services. Planned Parenthood accused Susan G. Komen for the Cure of giving in to political pressure. Full Story | Top | Obama Sandbags the Archbishop Tue,31 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST Pat Buchanan - At the end of Sunday mass at the church this writer attends in Washington, D.C., the pastor asked the congregation to remain for a few minutes. Full Story | Top |
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