Saturday, March 1, 2014

Daily News: Weather News Headlines - California governor signs $687 million drought relief legislation

Saturday, Mar 01, 2014 05:46 PM PST

California governor signs $687 million drought relief legislation 
Saturday, Mar 01, 2014 05:46 PM PST
California Governor Brown announces emergency drought legislation at the CalO ES State Operations Center in MatherCalifornia Governor Jerry Brown on Saturday signed into law a $687 million drought-relief package to deal with a water shortage he has called the worst in the state's modern history. The largest share of the drought relief package - $549 million - comes from accelerated spending of bond money voters previously approved in two ballot propositions. Those measures will fund storm water recapturing, expanded use of recycled water, better management of groundwater storage and stronger water conservation measures. While much of the United States has been pummeled by a series of snow storms, California in recent months has struggled with a drought that threatens to inflict the worst water crisis in recorded state history.
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WEATHER BLOG: Winter Storm Approaching 
Saturday, Mar 01, 2014 04:26 PM PST
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Weather May Delay Start of One-Seat Ride 
Saturday, Mar 01, 2014 02:53 PM PST
Weather May Delay Start of One-Seat RideThe launch of limited direct rail service to Manhattan on the Raritan Valley Line may be impacted by Monday's anticipated snowstorm. 
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Weather Update: Snow in New York March 2 
Saturday, Mar 01, 2014 02:25 PM PST
National Weather Service forecast for early March 2, 2014A Winter Storm Watch remains in effect for March 2-3 for Long Island.
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