Thursday, November 29, 2012

Health News : [health ]

Yahoo! Health - My Alerts - Edit Alert
Thursday, Nov 29, 2012 06:06 AM EST
Sanitation Hackathon 2012 uses IT to tackle public health issues Thu, 29 Nov, 2012 02:27 AM PST
Pune, Nov.29 (ANI): The Indian Institute for Human Settlements, along with Infosys, a global leader in consulting and technology, today announced their collaboration with the World Bank's Water and Sanitation Program to host a Sanitation Hackathon. The event will take place at the Pune campus of Infosys on December 1 and 2, 2012.
Why bad days are good for us Thu, 29 Nov, 2012 01:00 AM PST
Having a bad day? Don’t worry; your bad day can do wonders for your health. Not only can being late help you get a stronger, healthier heart, being grouchy can make you less gullible and missing out on that promotion at work could stop you from suffering with mental health problems. So, if you’ve had a bad day or are having one today, read these reasons why bad days are good for you:

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