Sunday, March 9, 2014

Daily News: Most Popular News Headlines - Vietnam says it may have found missing jet's door

Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 05:55 PM PDT
Today's Most Popular News Headlines - Yahoo! News:

Vietnam says it may have found missing jet's door 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 05:55 PM PDT
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Vietnamese aircraft spotted what they suspected was one of the doors of a missing Boeing 777 on Sunday, while questions emerged about how two passengers managed to board the ill-fated aircraft using stolen passports.
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Why Malaysia Airlines jet might have disappeared 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 04:45 PM PDT
NEW YORK (AP) — The most dangerous parts of a flight are takeoff and landing. Rarely do incidents happen when a plane is cruising seven miles (11 kilometers) above the earth.
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Search planes scour sea for missing Malaysian jetliner 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 07:54 PM PDT
Passengers queue up at the Malaysia Airlines ticketing booth at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in SepangBy Niluksi Koswanage and Nguyen Phuong Linh KUALA LUMPUR/PHU QUOC ISLAND, Vietnam (Reuters) - Search and rescue planes scoured waters off the southern tip of Vietnam on Monday, searching for any trace of a Malaysia Airlines jetliner 48 hours after it vanished from radar screens with 239 people on board. Questions mounted over possible security lapses and whether a bomb or hijacking could have brought down the Beijing-bound plane, after Interpol confirmed at least two passengers used stolen passports and said it was checking whether others aboard had used false identity documents. Flight MH370 disappeared in the early hours of Saturday, about an hour into its flight from Kuala Lumpur, after climbing to a cruising altitude of 35,000 ft. The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam said on its website late on Sunday that a Vietnamese navy plane had spotted an object in the sea suspected of being part of the Boeing 777-200ER, but that it was too dark to be certain. "We are sending more planes there this morning." Shares in Malaysia Airlines fell as much as 18 percent to a record low on Monday morning.
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Cheney: 'No question' Putin thinks Obama is weak 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 10:14 AM PDT
Former Vice President Dick Cheney said there is "no question" that Russian President Vladimir Putin believes President Barack Obama is weak, and that the United States should not take military options off the table in its response to Russia's military intervention in Ukraine.
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Air force chief: Malaysia jet may have turned back 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 06:57 AM PDT
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — International intelligence agencies joined the investigation Sunday into the two passengers who boarded the missing Boeing 777 jetliner with stolen passports, as Malaysian authorities revealed that radar images showed the plane may have turned back before vanishing.
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Malaysia investigators probe possible airport security lapse 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 05:23 AM PDT
By Niluksi Koswanage KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysian officials are poring over CCTV footage and questioning immigration officers and guards at Kuala Lumpur's international airport, concerned that a security breach may be connected to the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. Suspicions that the Beijing-bound Boeing jet, which vanished on Saturday with 239 people on board, may have been hijacked or bombed have risen after at least two passengers were found to be using stolen passports, though Malaysia's government stressed it was considering all possibilities. Malaysian investigators, assisted by the FBI, are probing the identities of four passengers in particular, two Malaysian officials with knowledge of the investigation told Reuters. The four comprise two travelers with European passports, possibly Ukrainian, in addition to two travelling on stolen Austrian and Italian passports, the sources said.
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'SNL' skewers Putin 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 06:52 AM PDT
"Saturday Night Live" skewered the U.S. response to the crisis in the Ukraine during its cold open Saturday, with President Barack Obama enlisting actor Liam Neeson to negotiate with Russian President Vladamir Putin.
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US deploys fighter jets to Poland, Lithuania 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 01:03 PM PDT
US Secretary of State John Kerry (R) shakes hands with Poland's Defence Minister Tomasz Siemoniak in front of an F-16 aircraft at the Lask Air Force Base, on November 5, 2013The United States is sending a dozen F-16 fighter jets to Poland as a part of a training exercise, amid continuing tensions between Ukraine and Russia, the Polish defence ministry said on Sunday. Three hundred US service personnel will also be sent to Poland as part of the exercise. Chuck Hagel, the US Secretary of State for Defence, and his Polish counterpart Tomasz Siemoniak agreed the deployment during a phone call, according to a statement from the Polish ministry. "The unit will be composed of 12 F-16 planes and will transport 300 soldiers," defence ministry spokesman Jacek Sonta told AFP.
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Merkel raps Putin as Russian forces tighten grip on Crimea 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 12:56 PM PDT
By Andrew Osborn SEVASTOPOL, Ukraine (Reuters) - Germany's Angela Merkel delivered a rebuke to President Vladimir Putin on Sunday, telling him that a planned Moscow-backed referendum on whether Crimea should join Russia was illegal and violated Ukraine's constitution. Putin defended breakaway moves by pro-Russian leaders in Crimea, where Russian forces tightened their grip on the Ukrainian Black Sea peninsula by seizing another border post and a military airfield. As thousands staged rival rallies in Crimea, street violence flared in Sevastopol, when pro-Russian activists and Cossacks attacked a group of Ukrainians.
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Libyan rebels warn of 'war' if navy attacks oil tanker 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 01:22 PM PDT
By Ulf Laessing and Ayman al-Warfalli TRIPOLI/BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Armed protesters in eastern Libya traded threats with the government on Sunday in a tense stand-off over the unauthorized sale of oil from a rebel-held port. A North Korean-flagged tanker, the Morning Glory, docked on Saturday at the port of Es Sider and local daily al-Wasat said it had loaded $36 million of crude oil. Prime Minister Ali Zeidan has said the military will bomb the 37,000-tonne vessel if it tries to leave. The rebels said any attack on the tanker would be "a declaration of war." The escalating conflict over the country's oil wealth is a sign of mounting chaos in Libya, where the government has failed to rein in fighters who helped oust veteran ruler Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 and who now defy state authority.
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Pope Francis wants church to study civil unions, Cardinal Dolan says 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 03:31 PM PDT
In this picture provided by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Pope Francis arrives for a meeting with Roman priests at the Vatican, Thursday, March 6, 2014. Pope Francis confessed Thursday that he took the rosary cross of his late confessor from his casket and wears it to this day in a fabric pouch under his cassock. He said he did so telling the late priest, Pope Francis wants the Catholic Church to study same-sex unions, Cardinal Timothy Dolan said on NBC's "Meet The Press" on Sunday.
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American father Philip Wood confirmed as passenger on missing Malaysia Airlines jet 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 11:03 AM PDT
One of three Americans aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is a longtime IBM executive who raised his family in North Texas before moving to East Asia.
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Obamacare May Be Failing the Uninsured 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 03:15 AM PDT
The entire goal of Obamacare was to expand health coverage to the uninsured—but the majority of people who have signed up for Obamacare already had insurance. That's according to a new survey from the McKinsey consulting firm, which found that just 27 percent of the 4 million Obamacare enrollees were previously uninsured. That means that the majority of those signing up for Obamacare had previous insurance of some kind—whether they were kicked off their old policies, or they found a better deal on the exchanges.  While the number of previously uninsured enrollees is low, the survey does not include those who are now eligible for Medicaid.
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Behind jet's passenger list is rich human tapestry 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 06:45 AM PDT
BANGKOK (AP) — Numbered 1 to 227, the passenger manifest for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet is an outwardly unremarkable document.
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High-Energy 3-Year-Old Is Hard To Handle In Public 
Saturday, Mar 08, 2014 09:00 PM PST
DEAR ABBY: My son is almost 3. He is the light of my life. I love him more than I can describe, but sometimes I can't handle his energy. We carefully monitor how much sugar he eats and we are sure his diet is not what's causing the problem. Mostly I think he is just a rowdy little boy. The problem is, we can't take him out without dreading that he will act up. His refusal to listen to our requests -- or listen to us when we speak to him at all -- has put a strain on our marriage and we both feel like "failure" parents. ...
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2 dozen injured as California school stage falls 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 06:30 PM PDT
A firefighter assists an injured student after a stage collapsed during a student event at Servite High School in Anaheim, Calif., Saturday, March 8, 2014. Authorities said 30-40 people were taken to hospitals with mainly minor injuries. (AP Photo/Kevin Warn)ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — Investigators combed through a collapsed theater stage at a Southern California high school Sunday, trying to determine why it buckled during a performance and sent 25 students to the hospital, some with broken bones but most with minor injuries like bruises and scrapes.
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Blocked by sunken Russian ships, Ukraine's navy stays defiant 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 06:55 AM PDT
A woman looks at ships on March 8, 2014 which the Ukrainian navy claims were deliberately sunk by Russia at the entrance to Lake Donuzlav, on the western Crimean coast, near the town of Myrny, in order to block in Ukrainian navy ships based thereMyrny (Ukraine) (AFP) - Russia has deliberately sunk three of its own ships to block Ukrainian navy vessels entering a lake off the Black Sea, officers say, highlighting Moscow's determination to wear down the morale of Kiev's forces in Crimea. The Ochakov -- a Soviet-era warship decommissioned in 2011 and set to be sold for scrap -- was towed to the entrance to Lake Donuzlav on Crimea's western coast from the Russian base at Sevastopol on Thursday and blown up. Ukraine's navy has limited resources and suffered a major blow last week when its chief Denis Berezovsky switched allegiance to the pro-Russian Crimean authorities and a new chief was appointed. "It is blocked so we cannot get out," said Captain Viktor Shmyganovsky, second-in-command at the base in Novoozerne, one of the four biggest in Crimea.
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US Navy's Next-Generation Aircraft Carrier Begins Testing Phase 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 07:26 AM PDT
US Navy's Next-Generation Aircraft Carrier Begins Testing PhaseThe U.S. Navy's newest aircraft carrier — a massive warship outfitted with the latest radar technology and sophisticated systems to accommodate unmanned, carrier-launched drones — is set to undergo more than two years of rigorous testing. The USS Gerald R. Ford is the first of what will eventually be the Navy's fleet of next-generation Ford-class aircraft carriers. The upgraded ships are the first new designs of aircraft carriers since the USS Nimitz was built in the late 1960s. The USS Ford was christened during a special ceremony in November in Newport News, Va. The massive warship is slated to officially enter service in the Navy in 2016.
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US general's accuser was ambitious soldier too 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 07:51 PM PDT
FILE - In this March 4, 2014 file photo, Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair leaves the courthouse with his lawyers Richard Scheff, left, and Ellen C. Brotman, following a day of motions at Fort Bragg, N.C. Less than a month before Sinclair's trial on sexual assault charges, the lead prosecutor broke down in tears Tuesday as he told a superior he believed the primary accuser in the case had lied under oath. (AP Photo/The Fayetteville Observer, James Robinson) MANDATORY CREDITFORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) — The Army captain who has accused Brig. Gen. Jeffrey A. Sinclair of sexually assaulting her during their three-year relationship was an ambitious soldier with plans to make the military her career, much like the boss she loved and admired.
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Obama loses top aide who helped him manage the White House 
Saturday, Mar 08, 2014 09:23 PM PST
Handout photograph of U.S. President Obama talking with Director of Scheduling and Advance Mastromonaco in the Outer Oval Office in WashingtonA top aide to President Barack Obama who has managed much of his schedule, planned events and helped choose staff and appointments will leave the White House in early May, a White House official said on Saturday. Alyssa Mastromonaco, Obama's deputy chief of staff, first joined his team when he moved to Washington as an Illinois senator in 2005. "Every event the president's ever done, every trip he's ever taken, every decision that he's ever made, she knows about and remembers in somewhat disturbing detail," Dan Pfeiffer, senior advisor to Obama, told the New York Times.
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Japan widower dives tsunami waters to bring wife home 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 08:51 AM PDT
Yasuo Takamatsu (R) speaks to an AFP reporter beside his instructors as he sits on the edge of a boat after diving in the ice-cold sea water in Onagawa, Miyagi Prefecture, on March 2, 2014Onagawa (Japan) (AFP) - Yasuo Takamatsu, 57, grunts with the effort of hoisting a scuba diving tank onto his back, as he prepares to step into the cold waters off Japan's tsunami-ravaged coast to look for the body of his wife, one of thousands still missing three years on. "She was a gentle and kind person," said Takamatsu. Takamatsu, a bus driver by trade, was never a natural candidate for learning to scuba dive and was worried he would not be able to do it. But he feels driven to the water when he thinks about the last time he heard from his wife Yuko, before the nearly 20-metre (66-foot) wave engulfed her.
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Utah polygamous family says going on TV liberating 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 12:12 PM PDT
FILE - In this Sept. 11, 2013, file photo, Brady Williams poses with his wives, from left to right, Paulie, Robyn, Rosemary, Nonie, and Rhonda, outside of their home in a polygamous community outside Salt Lake City. The newest polygamous family from Utah on reality TV says sharing their story with a wide audience has been liberating. The first of nine episodes chronicling the life of Williams, his five wives and their 24 children airs Sunday on TLC. A pilot episode aired last fall of the show, being called "My Five Wives." Williams and his wives said in an interview with The Associated Press that they enjoy being able live openly and not worry about who knows about their lifestyle. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer, File)SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The newest Utah polygamous family featured in a reality TV show says sharing their story with a wide audience has been liberating.
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State oversight may tame California pot shops 
Sunday, Mar 09, 2014 08:44 AM PDT
In this Feb. 1, 2011 photo, Harborside Health Center employee Gerard Barber stands behind medical marijuana clone plants at Harborside Health Center in Oakland, Calif. Law and order may soon be coming to the Wild West of Weed. A California lawmaker has introduced legislation to regulate the state's free-wheeling medical marijuana industry, the farmers that grow the drug, the hundreds of storefront shops that sell it and especially the doctors who write recommendations allowing people to use it. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Law and order may soon be coming to the Wild West of weed.
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