Today's Weather News Headlines - Yahoo! News: | | Canada won't attain greenhouse gas goals: government Tue,8 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT AFP - Canada will fail to reach its target for reducing greenhouse gases by 2020, according to a government report which predicted that emissions responsible for global warming will actually increase by seven percent over that time.
Full Story | Top | Canada set to miss modest emissions goals: watchdog Tue,8 May 2012 10:18 AM PDT Reuters - OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada is acting too slowly to combat climate change and has little chance of achieving its modest 2020 target for cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, Parliament's environmental watchdog said on Tuesday. The report by Environment Commissioner Scott Vaughan is awkward for the right-of-center Conservative government, which green activists say is more interested in industrial development than in protecting the environment. ...
Full Story | Top | The nation's weather Tue,8 May 2012 02:03 AM PDT Associated Press - Weather Underground Forecast for Tuesday, May 08, 2012. Active weather will remain in the eastern third of the country on Tuesday as a strong storm will move through the region. The associated cold front will drape itself from the Southern Plains through the Southeast and eastern seaboard. This front will produce scattered rain and thunderstorms throughout this region. In contrast of the past few days, no significant severe weather threat is expected from this storm. There is a small possibility that some of these thunderstorms could become severe with heavy rain and large hail. Residents should always monitor the progress of these storms and be prepared to take necessary precautions to protect life and property.
Full Story | Top | Did farting kill the dinosaurs? Mon,7 May 2012 03:36 PM PDT The Week (RSS) - While scientists are touting a new study of dinosaur flatulence as a "major new climate finding," the media is greeting it with undisguised mirth. According to this research, the prehistoric beasts may have tooted so much methane into the air that they triggered a catastrophic climate change and, consequently, their own extinction. Here's a guide to the revolutionary — and, for some, giggle-worthy — findings:What's this new research? A study by a team of British scientists published in Current Biology argues that dinosaur flatulence "turned the Earth into one giant Dutch oven, contributing... Full Story | Top | Heartland's ballsy attack on climate-change theory: The fallout Mon,7 May 2012 11:43 AM PDT The Week (RSS) - The conservative Heartland Institute was going for shock value when it mounted a digital billboard in Chicago that combined a mug shot of the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, with the message: "I still believe in Global Warming. Do you?" (See the full image below.) After the group faced a fiercer backlash than expected, however, it promptly took down the sign and canceled plans for similar ads. ... Full Story | Top | Did farting kill the dinosaurs? Mon,7 May 2012 11:36 AM PDT The Week - Gassy vegetarians like the Brontosaurus may have produced so much methane that they triggered global warming, possibly hastening their extinction Full Story | Top | EU nations get cold feet over climate change fund Mon,7 May 2012 11:07 AM PDT Reuters - BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU nations have yet to come up with a plan on how to fill a multi-billion euro fund to help tackle climate change, even as the region's executive body hosts talks with countries likely to bear the brunt of extreme weather. The European Union recommitted to providing 7.2 billion euros for the fund over 2010-12, according to draft conclusions seen by Reuters ahead of a meeting of EU finance ministers next week. ... Full Story | Top | Voyage to the 'front line' of global warming Mon,7 May 2012 09:31 AM PDT AFP Relax News - When Cameron Dueck set sail to the Canadian Arctic to witness what he calls "the front line of climate change", he did so knowing he would have to brave seas that have killed scores of sailors and reduced men to cannibals.
Full Story | Top | Good day, bad day: May 7, 2012 Mon,7 May 2012 09:00 AM PDT The Week - The maker of Angry Birds considers cashing in with an IPO, while dinosaur farts are blamed for ancient global warming — and more winners and losers of today's news cycle Full Story | Top | Voyage to the 'front line' of global warming Sun,6 May 2012 11:32 PM PDT AFP - When Cameron Dueck set sail to the Canadian Arctic to witness what he calls "the front line of climate change", he did so knowing he would have to brave seas that have killed scores of sailors and reduced men to cannibals.
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