Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Daily News Digest: Reuters Health News Headlines - Yahoo! News

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Tuesday, May 8, 2012 8:30 PM PDT
Today's Reuters Health News Headlines - Yahoo! News:
Koreans flee stress and the city for rural idylls
Tue,8 May 2012 07:46 PM PDT
Reuters -

To match Feature KOREA-COUNTRYSIDE/MUNGYEONG, South Korea (Reuters) - A year ago, South Korean executive Chung Man-gyoo spent weekdays driving his Hyundai Grandeur sedan through the jammed streets of Seoul to his suburban office. At weekends he drove it to the golf course. Now, the 53-year old fills the rear seat of the same black car with tools and fertilizer for his one-acre farm in the rural east of the country. His golf clubs lie unused except when his wife swings them to chase stray cats away from their house. ...

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Ultramarathon runner Micah True died from heart disease: autopsy
Tue,8 May 2012 04:55 PM PDT
Reuters - SANTA FE, New Mexico (Reuters) - Ultramarathon runner Micah True died from heart disease while on a run last March in the rugged wilderness of southwestern New Mexico, an autopsy report revealed Tuesday. True, 58, was found to have idiopathic cardiomyopathy, heart disease with an unknown cause, the state's Office of the Medical Investigator found. The coroner found numerous abrasions on True's extremities but no sign of internal injuries, though the left side of his heart was found to be enlarged. Chemical tests revealed the presence of caffeine and mild dehydration. ... Full Story

"Pink slime" may force BPI corporate staff cuts
Tue,8 May 2012 03:38 PM PDT
Reuters -

The beef product known as pink slime or lean finely textured beef is frozen on a large drum during a tour of the Beef Products Inc.'s plant in South Sioux City, NebraskaCHICAGO (Reuters) - Beef Products Inc, the leading U.S. producer of a lean ground beef filler that critics have dubbed "pink slime," said Tuesday that the media furor that led it to close three of its four plants and lay off 650 people could also result in cuts to its corporate staff. The South Dakota-based company employs 152 people at its corporate office, according to corporate administrator Rich Jochum. On Monday, BPI said it would shut down its plants later this month in Amarillo, Texas; Garden City, Kansas; and Waterloo, Iowa. ...

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Senate Republicans block Democratic student loan bill
Tue,8 May 2012 01:50 PM PDT
Reuters -

Students listen to U.S. President Obama at the University of Iowa about the rising costs of educationWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republicans blocked on Tuesday a White House-backed bill that would end a tax break for the wealthy in order to pay for an extension of low-interest loan rates for federal student loans. On a mostly party-line vote of 52-45, Democratic backers of the measure fell eight votes short of the 60 needed to clear a Republican procedural roadblock. Regardless, both sides are expected to reach a compromise to prevent a doubling on July 1 of the 3.4 percent interest rate on undergraduate Stafford loans for more than 7 million students. ...

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Device might spark memories in some with Alzheimer's
Tue,8 May 2012 01:48 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A small safety trial suggests a pacemaker-like device implanted into the brains of Alzheimer's patients may stimulate beneficial brain activity in some. The results do not signal the device could someday cure the disease, but that it may restore some measure of activity in areas of the brain whose decline is linked to Alzheimer's symptoms like memory loss, depression and agitation. ... Full Story

Probiotics may help prevent diarrhea: report
Tue,8 May 2012 01:46 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Taking probiotics on top of a course of antibiotics may help ward off the diarrhea that often comes along with antibiotic treatment, a new review of past studies suggests. When researchers combined trials of all types of the gut-healthy microbes, they found that patients with a range of conditions -- from ear infections to sepsis -- were 42 percent less likely to get diarrhea from their antibiotic drugs if they were also taking a probiotic. One-quarter to one-third of people treated with an antibiotic typically get diarrhea as a result, researchers said. ... Full Story

Bipolar symptoms may begin in teen years
Tue,8 May 2012 01:44 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - The number of teenagers who have experienced mania -- a hallmark of bipolar disorder -- is close to the number of adults estimated to have the mood disorder, suggesting that for many the condition begins during adolescence, according to a new study. "The traditional wisdom has been that mania begins in your 20s and 30s," said Kathleen Ries Merikangas, the study's lead author and chief of the genetic epidemiology branch at the National Institute of Mental Health. "I think the important thing is for people to recognize that mania does occur in adolescents," she said. ... Full Story

FDA advisers rebuff Regeneron gout drug
Tue,8 May 2012 01:38 PM PDT
Reuters - WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. drug advisers unanimously voted against Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc's experimental drug to prevent gout flares, based on studies that tested the drug for only 16 weeks. A panel of outside experts to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday voted 11-0 against approving the injectable drug, called Arcalyst, because its clinical trials were too short to prove the treatment was safe, or that it would help patients over time. ... Full Story

Vermont poised to be first state to outlaw fracking
Tue,8 May 2012 01:21 PM PDT
Reuters -

A gas flare burns at a fracking site in rural Bradford County, Pennsylvania(Reuters) - Vermont will be the first state to outlaw a controversial oil and gas drilling method known as fracking when Governor Peter Shumlin signs a bill banning the practice, a largely symbolic move given the state's apparent lack of energy reserves. Hydraulic fracturing has helped companies tap potentially decades of gas supply and huge amounts of oil from previously inaccessible shale formations dotted across the United States in recent years. ...

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Want to quit smoking? Try acupuncture or hypnosis
Tue,8 May 2012 01:09 PM PDT
Reuters -

Man holds a cigarette in Tokyo(Reuters) - Acupuncture and hypnosis have been promoted as drug-free ways to help smokers kick the habit, and there is some evidence that they work, according to a research review that looked at 14 international studies. Researchers, whose findings appeared in the American Journal of Medicine, said that there are still plenty of questions, including exactly how effective alternative therapies might be and how they measure up against conventional methods to quit smoking. ...

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Long commutes may be bad for health: study
Tue,8 May 2012 01:06 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters) - Long commutes to work, particularly more than 10 miles, may be hazardous to health and are associated with increased weight, bigger waistlines and poorer heart and lung fitness, according to a new study. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, who studied nearly 4,300 commuters, found that people who traveled 10 miles to work were more likely to have high blood pressure and workers commuting 15 miles had a greater risk of being obese and not getting enough exercise. ... Full Story

Many drug labels missing dose, safety info for kids
Tue,8 May 2012 01:03 PM PDT
Reuters - NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Half of drug labels don't have information on the medication's safety and proper dosing in kids, according to a new study from researchers at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The finding, from an evaluation of over 500 drug labels in 2009, is an improvement over the one in five labels that had pediatric information in 1975 -- but it still leaves a lot of questions, researchers said. Often, drugs make it through the FDA approval process and to the market without much research on how they should best be used in kids, according to Dr. ... Full Story

Health group attacks Gatorade's Michael Jordan ad
Tue,8 May 2012 12:24 PM PDT
Reuters -

NBA basketball great Jordan speaks during a ceremony in CharlotteWASHINGTON (Reuters) - A health group is asking the U.S. government to yank a Gatorade ad that it says deceptively implies that basketball great Michael Jordan prevailed over the flu during a memorable 1997 game because he fueled with Gatorade. The Public Health Advocacy Institute, a legal research center at the Northeastern University School of Law, said it was targeting the ad by Gatorade owner PepsiCo Inc because it encourages teens to engage in dangerous behavior. ...

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Canada set to miss modest emissions goals: watchdog
Tue,8 May 2012 10:18 AM PDT
Reuters -

Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver speaks at a news conference at the Automatic Coating Limited plant in TorontoOTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada is acting too slowly to combat climate change and has little chance of achieving its modest 2020 target for cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, Parliament's environmental watchdog said on Tuesday. The report by Environment Commissioner Scott Vaughan is awkward for the right-of-center Conservative government, which green activists say is more interested in industrial development than in protecting the environment. ...

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Afghanistan no longer worst place for mothers: report
Tue,8 May 2012 10:05 AM PDT
Reuters -

An Afghan woman holds her newborn baby at Cure International's hospital in KabulKABUL (Reuters) - Better healthcare and more girls attending school have knocked Afghanistan from its position as the worst place on earth to be a mother, Save the Children said in a major report on Tuesday, but stressed the precarious nature of any gains. "More mothers are surviving and fewer children are dying and this is something we need to be celebrating," said Rachel Maranto, Advocacy and Mobilisation senior Manager at Save the Children in Kabul. ...

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